Friday, March 23, 2012

Santorumclause and the Obama gift

I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack so maybe I got this wrong, but it appears that Santorum would vote for Obama if Romney were to win the Republican nomination. He did say Obama would be better than an Etch-A-Sketch Romney- also, Romney apparently feels a copy and paste campaign would work well against the president. It's scary to be a Republican these days........ ever since Sarah Palin.. or maybe Bush Junior.


Fern Ellen Cohen said...

It's even scarier to be a Democrat like me these days, and think that any of these boobs like Santorum or Romney can become president. I'm not a religious woman, but I'm praying for the future of this country. My friends in foreign countries are having fun watching these Republican debates and laughing. So am I. I can't wait until either of these fools goes up against Obama in debate.

BQ said...

Wow, I didn't realize that Santorum said that about Romney. I hope he plans on adding a dash of salt to those words before he eats them, because that's what he'll be doing before too long. Obama may be receiving "gifts" by these gaffes, but I still think he is far from waltzing into a 2nd term. It's gonna be a brutal election fight.

I agree that it's interesting (and, to me, concerning) to see the journey that the GOP platform has taken in recent years. I'm curious how many republican voters
A) believe the GOP has changed, but it's still their team and they hate democrats so they're gonna vote for it,
B) believe the GOP has changed, but they don't mind because they agree more with the extreme right-wing platform anyway, or
C) don't believe the GOP has changed at all it's everyone else who has changed.