Friday, December 11, 2009

Melting! It's All Melting!

Certain phenomena occur in nature. Simply study earth history. Most climactic changes appear to be cyclical, and they are. The ice caps are melting, and whether your particular scientist or your particular region recognizes a temperature rise has nothing to do with the facts. Whether we humans have contributed to this trend and how much is purely speculative. If we are, largely, the culprits, we cast a far darker shadow over the future of this planet than I thought. More likely, we contribute in a more minor role- one which we can reduce- than some think. Others believe, as I do, that the planet adjusts continually, regardless of our welfare, through natural progression. (sounds a lot like natural selection, and that would be on purpose). The earth has survived many a cataclysmic event, and I'm sure it can survive man.
So........... in our convoluted world we play politics with it all. Conservatives play it down and liberals play it up. Ultimately, we'll have little or no influence when nature plays it out.


momboe said...

The Earth will be fine. Man however.... we'll see.

Rachel said...

I can't say that I completely agree. Man is continually increasing his number on earth. Every attempt the planet makes at adjusting, we tend to derail by tearing down forests, throwing more crap into the air, spilling a bit more oil into the oceans... We take for granted what surrounds us. As populations swell, and resources are used, it seems we are too spoiled to take any steps to correct the growing problems. I'm not saying that we should all stop using power, or cars, and start living in communes. I'm not that naive. And I think that some of the more pompous Green folks don't really know if what they are doing is actually better for the environment, but an add said that this toilet bowl cleaner is "Green" so everyone should use it, and shame on those who don't. I mean, good on them for trying something, but check the attitude at the door. Not everyone has $13.54 to spend on a 6 oz bottle of detergent.
So in conclusion to my two sided reply, I wouldn't blame the planet if it one day got sick of all of us beating the crap out of her, and went all 2012 on us. We don't appreciate what we have. But those "Green" folks need to watch the guilt trips on those of us who make what changes we can, but can't logically sell our cars and bicycle everywhere.