Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Winter's Caustic Embrace, Business Morass

This January marks my 25th year in business, varied in capacity and definition, as a building contractor. I still wield a hammer, at almost 52, with more weight to sling around, I can yet climb a roof, flip a sheet, cut 100 rafters in a day, and make good time doing it all. I'm certainly better at physical execution than I am at business execution. How I got three kids through college is still a mystery to me. As much as I'd like to claim to be impervious to any economic downturn, it appears that I am not. This past year has proven that even good guys can go down. I feel somewhat punch drunk, but I have a good chin and will go the distance.
One thing has changed. I must accept the notion that Amy's yearly fall complaint " I hate the cold! Did I tell you? I hate the cold!" Now followed by "This year I'm notkidding- we're finding a way to spend winter in Dallas (or Hawaii)" has started to get to me. I am beginning to hate the cold. I, unlike most others I know- who have hated the cold they've had to endure travelling from their front door to their car from their car to their office,- have an outdoor work zone for some 8 hours a day. Those inside folks can cry a river on my shoulder- likely to freeze on my Carhartts. Maybe for me, a change will occur, but not this winter, not after this year. I'll have to see what comes of 2010. I'll have to try to punch back more. I'll probably need to alter my fight plan. I don't want to look back and think "I coulda been a contenda". Actually, I'd rather not look back at all. At least not to 2009. I'd rather look ahead. With a plan. Or a dream- hopefully not laid out in pipe. Merry Christmas, everybody.

1 comment:

momboe said...

You were listening!!! OR my hypnotic repetition is finally taking hold. Guilt seeps in to color my joy. You were completely happy swinging away in sub zero temps and making fun of the sissies who dare not go out to work in weather that sent Santa's deer looking for a fireplace. Is this a sign of age, intelligence or brain washing? Does it really matter if our plump white behinds are toasty warm near family and new friends?
Things to ponder. One way to find out is to try it out!