Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't Ya Just Think?

That Lindsay Lohan simply needs a spanking (maybe in jail)?
Last night I finished another Cormac McCarthy book "Outer Dark". The guy can write Appalachia like an Appalachian. Easier reading than Blood Meridian. Still good. I'm taking a break from 'Mac for a while to get up to speed on Stephen Hawking's new book. You know, catch my breath stuff. The difference between reading McCarthy's books and Hawking's is that with Cormac, he frustrates me with his timely narratives and an equally timely vocabulary (for which an I-pad with definitions would ease my frustration), whereas Stephen's physics (when he gets into the mathematics) flies so far over my head that it's invisible so I don't care. Anyway, I've read 4 McCarthy books so far and I will say he's not for everyone, but I can also say that his diversity of narrative makes each little novel a surprise. Ciao.

1 comment:

momboe said...

When do I get to read it?