Monday, November 22, 2010

It's Nearly Thanksgiving

This is the long awaited "short week" of the year- the annual Thursday turkey day and Friday where only the lunatic shopper gangs get up early to empty the checking account for Christmas. I'm proud to say I'm not one of them.
As has been the case the last several years, we're hosting Thanksgiving this year. I have a formula in the kitchen that works well, and each year I tweak it to make things run smoother. In years past, I've thrown in the likes of sweet potato pie and pumpkin pie (hard to tell the difference), two turkeys (one roasted, one deep fried), other stuff..........
This year I will not have any of my kids home. Sarah and Tim are coming for Christmas this year, as is Rachel, and Nick is making faces at monkeys in Costa Rica. This means a paltry 20 people feasting on Thursday. I think I can handle that.


momboe said...

Let's get this party started! Woohooo!

Rachel said...

It's going to be a blast- wish I was going to be there!

Patti Zantout said...

Ditto, Rachel, but it's really hard to get your grandfather out of the warm weather! Tracy, I know your dinner will be magnificent! Give my love all the family. Love you, Mom