Sunday, November 7, 2010

Still here, still working at it

I find a vast difference between what I need to know and what I want to know. Something akin to being told you're smart and wondering by what reference the statement was determined. Might it be similar to: not bad for someone your age, or: you don't look 52, or: (fill in the blank).
I'm still deciphering the program. Friday I attended a Webinar, which consisted of a valley girl's voice describing her actions on screen, replete with "like", "oops"' "I messed up there" ; I am not paraphrasing. I did pick up a few pointers, though. I hope she was cute. She sounded cute. If she has a job at Chief Architect and she can operate the program, there might be hope for me after all.
I have never been fond of memorization, and a large part of this program is memorizing the procedure. If I start from scratch each day, little by little I pick up little by little (by little).
I must admit I felt good today when I had Amy try what I've been working on. I immediately realized she may be more typical as a beginner. She doesn't build, so she had no idea about realistic spatial relations and proportions. That part, or design, or sizing, or appearance- not hard. Knowing how to get there through the program interpretation- still working on it. So, am I smart? Certainly smarter than the chair supporting my ass (and he never fails to do his job!


momboe said...

I have faith in you baby! I can't wait to be able to draw multi level dream worshops and art galleries with your help! Then you can build them too! Keep up the good work!
Now- BACK to the drawing board. Or drawing computer...

Jason said...

First pro bono project - design a pyramid playhouse for 2 of the sweetest little girls I know and make it simple enough for a computer/management nerd to build!